This usually happens when you lose your internet connection. When this happens, you should try refreshing the chart by right-clicking on the chart and selecting "Refresh." This should load the missing data.
If the missing bars still do not show up on the chart:
- Select "File" from the menu bar of the trading terminal.
- From the drop-down-list, select "Open Data Folder".
- From the file that opens, click the "History" folder.
- Go to the folder whose name matches the server used for your account (for a live standard.mt4 account, this will be one of the following names depending on the server name:"Alpari-Standard1", "Alpari-Standard2" or "Alpari-Standard3").
- In this folder, delete the files with the name of the instruments where the candles aren't appearing.
In MetaTrader 5 you need to:
- Select File in the trading platform.
- From the drop-down-list, select "Open Data Folder".
- From the file that opens, click the "Bases" folder.
- Go to the folder whose name matches the server used for your account.
- From the file that opens, click the "History" folder.
- In this folder, delete the files with the name of the instruments where the candles aren't appearing.